Friday, 17 April 2009

Resveratrol Safe Free Trial

Is Resveratrol Safe?

By Dan R Morris

Resveratrol is safe. Whether you look at clinical trials, chemistry, or common sense nothing has come out remotely inferring a safety issue with resveratrol. Resveratrol is not without side effects though, but the side effects wouldn't deem it unsafe.

Speaking from a common sense standpoint, resveratrol is found in peanuts, grapes, Japanese knotweed and cranberries. I don't know about you, but I've never seen a warning on any of those foods. Resveratrol isn't chemically manufactured, yet, so when you consume it in supplement form, you're really getting a nutrient extract found in common plants. Japanese Knotweed is not necessarily common, I guess, but it's used quite often as a substitute for rhubarb and the Japanese use it in a medicinal tea called Itadori.

From a chemistry point-of-view, resveratrol is produced by plants to maintain their health. In times of peril like disease or fungus, plants produce resveratrol to help battle the problem. In the end, the plant is healthier, and we are healthier for ingesting it. You could say it's somewhat of a natural antibiotic for plants. I say 'plants' loosely because resveratrol isn't made by all plants by a special class of seed producing plants that include grapes, peanuts, bilberrys, cranberries, knotweed and blueberries (and others).

Looking at clinical trials, we again see no evidence of problems with resveratrol. Whether the trial used worms (Parkinson's Disease research), mice (longevity, fatty liver disease and endurance research), or yeast (cancer research) all of the subjects using resveratrol were healthier. Some say the "French Paradox" is due to the French culture's consumption of wine. If you consider that a clinical trial, they have fewer heart attacks and live longer.

The caveat is the side effect. Resveratrol is a natural anti-coagulant, so if you're taking blood thinners you should really talk to your doctor before embarking on aggressive resveratrol supplementation.

Beyond resveratrol safety information is the best place to find more information on supplements, resveratrol's sources, the benefits of wine, OPC's and other healthy nutrients. Go there and learn more about the benefits of resveratrol.

Dan Morris - Antioxidant Researcher, Owner and Founder of and other nutrition-based information

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